Name: tweak Version: 3.01 Release: 2%{?dist} Summary: An efficient hex editor Group: Applications/Editors License: MIT URL: Source0:{version}.tar.gz BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) BuildRequires: ncurses-devel %description Tweak is a hex editor. It allows you to edit a file at very low level, letting you see the full and exact binary contents of the file. It can be useful for modifying binary files such as executables, editing disk or CD images, debugging programs that generate binary file formats incorrectly, and many other things. %prep %setup -q %build # Disable custom .c.o rule so we can use standard RPM macros instead sed -i -e 's|^.c.o|.disabled.c.o|' Makefile # Modify the location of filepaths to conform to Filesystem Hierarchy Standard sed -i -e 's|^PREFIX=/usr/local|PREFIX=$(DESTDIR)/usr|' Makefile sed -i -e 's|^MANDIR=$(PREFIX)/man/man1|MANDIR=$(PREFIX)/share/man/man1|' Makefile make %{?_smp_mflags} CFLAGS="%{optflags}" %install rm -rf %{buildroot} make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install %clean rm -rf %{buildroot} %files %defattr(-,root,root) %doc LICENCE %doc btree.html %{_bindir}/* %{_mandir}/man1/* %changelog * Tue Apr 16 2013 Greg Bailey 3.01-2 - Use Source0 instead of Source in RPM spec * Tue Mar 26 2013 Greg Bailey 3.01-1 - Initial packaging for Fedora